Mandy's Sensational Facial To Boost Your Confidence

Mandy's Sensational Facial To Boost Your Confidence



Introducing our amazing new Ambassador Mandy and her fabulous, confidence-boosting Six Phase facial ...

I was blown away when Mandy applied to join our Ambassador Program. There is no stopping this incredible lady! Recently diagnosed with incurable secondary breast cancer and in and out of hospital, Mandy turned to HIGHBORN to help keep her skin looking its best during her treatment. Giving her the confidence and energy to keep smiling!

And she's here today to inspire you and share her sensational skincare regime she swears by for softer, smoother, brighter skin. So you too can feel your best and face the world, no matter what ...


I'm 56 and I could not be happier with my skin. It's not been an easy journey mind! I went through a difficult divorce and felt unworthy for a long time. After a gruelling mastectomy, chemo, radiotherapy, a reconstruction and loss of hair, it took a long time to build myself back up. I don’t think you are ever quite the same again.

I couldn't have got through it without my two amazing daughters and three gorgeous grandchildren. And I was lucky to get the chance to run Race for Life with Davina McCall a few years ago after winning a competition which my daughter entered me for! It was such an emotional and magical day. It really gave me a boost!

My breast cancer is incurable but treatable for as long as it can be. Following my diagnosis and treatment, I became allergic to so many things, including skincare creams. Trying to find something that didn't irritate my skin was a big challenge.

HIGHBORN has been a godsend for me and my skin as none of the products have irritated my sensitive skin. In fact, they've only made my skin better!

Taking care of my skin has helped me to feel worthy again and that I should be treated and cared for, which HIGHBORN does for me. This is my self-care and I love it!

I couldn't be without my favourite HIGHBORNs: Crystal Cleanser, Diamond Toner, Imperial Eye Gel, Pre-Eminent Beauty Serum, Imperial Moisturiser and the Superior Lip Butter! I've created my own home spa facial and it makes me feel wonderful every day. 

The cleanser makes my skin feel so soft and that's just the start! The toner and eye gel are so soothing and cooling. Everything sinks into my skin beautifully and you only need the smallest amount so they last for ages!

As for the lip butter, as a lady of 56 I'm delighted how they plump and soften my lips and help me to smile proudly and confidently.

Watch my video for my daily routine and take note that I make the time to massage the products into my skin, not forgetting my neck. It only takes a few minutes and it really makes all the difference, not only to my skin but this is my special "me" time and it makes me feel good about myself.

I couldn't take all my HIGHBORNs on my last stay in hospital and I missed them so much; so did my skin!

So please, no matter what you're facing in life, take the time to take care of you and your skin. Trust me, you'll feel so much better for it. And it's such a bonus that your skin will be its best too!

As a final word, here's my favourite affirmation which I live by ... I hope it helps to brighten your day too: "Smile, because today is going to be a good day."

Take care

Mandy x

[P.S: for best value, choose the Six Phase Deluxe Collections for all of Mandy's favourites at the lowest price].

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1 comment

What amazing lady Mandy is who is so upbeat and and caring and taking time out to talk about her journey to keep strong each you are beautiful inside and outside

Liz Darling

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