3 Quick Step to De-Clutter Your Makeup!

Do you have a ton of products cluttering your makeup drawer?!

Don't worry, you're not alone; most women I speak to do!

The multiple expensive products you bought following the free department store makeup sitting, the cheap and cheerful nail polish from the chemist, the four shades of blush, eight half-used lipsticks, and the two dozen product samples whose labels may or may not even be legible.

It's probably been sat in the drawer for months if not years waiting for the moment you might need it again.

But what if you could toss all that stuff, pare down your routine, and use just a few products you knew you could rely on to make you glowing and radiant in every situation?

Simplifying leaves us so much more  energy to spend on the things that really matter—and it also makes our drawers look a whole lot more organized!

1. First, chuck the foundation.

All foundation does is collect in your pores and fine lines, cover up yournatural radiance and dull your glow—especially if you’re over 40.

Plus, once you cover your skin with foundation, you need to use a whole bunch of other products to mimic the natural variations in your skin that you’ve just covered up—undereye concealer, blush, highlighter–the list goes on.

Replace that foundation with a good, transparent product—maybe with just a hint of color—and you even out irregularities while still allowing your skin’s natural radiance to shine through.

2. Try products that do double duty.

Once upon a time, eyeshadow was eyeshadow, blush was blush, moisturiser was moisturiser. . . you get the idea.

What a great way to get you to buy tons and tons of products! 

But today, companies have gotten wise to the fact that a lot of women are just too busy and adventurous to lug around a bunch of products—and have figured out how to combine two or three products into one.

Now you can get a single product that brings fresh color to your cheeks and eyes, or a moisturizer that highlights and adds shimmer to your cheekbones—lightening your makeup bag, and simplifying your routine!

3. Learn that less is more—especially as we age.

As we get older, our skin develops beautiful texture and character.

When we put a bunch of stuff on our  skin, it messes with that texture, collects in fine lines, and covers up the natural glow that’s actually what keeps us looking vibrant.

Advertisers might tell us we need more products as we age, but makeup artists know the opposite is really true. As we age, we look better with less gunk on our skin—as long as the few simple products we use are the right ones.

And don't worry if you find it hard to throw out your old products even if you don't use them.

I'm the same! 

And even if your dressing table is covered in products ... I still love you!

Have an amazing day, Tracey x

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How wise and sensible your advice is Tracy. I have found with my skin ( as it is sensitive and oily),that less is more and only use a light natural mineral powder with spf15 0r tinted moisturizer, sometimes I just pit on a primer and that is it. I’m very , very slowly coming to accept myself( even with rubbish skin) though have found even when younger I was one of those people who does not carry makeup well on the face. Mascara only worn on the outer edge of the lashes or I look daft and only lipgloss as lipstick does not suit either. I do suffer with some roesceria and breakouts alot, which can make one feel rather lacking in confidence with appeareance….though your lovely , simple words are powerful and empathic. I seriously salute you for your courage and optimism, and wish you all the greatest success and fulfillment in your business and life…..Thankyou Tracy!!!!!

Nicolette Deeth

Thanks Tracy for your advise I will do just what you suggest, I have that much it will be difficult knowing where to start . Love from Mary x

Mary Walker

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