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If your lips are in dire need of some care, and you’re not sure what to do, here’s your short but sweet guide to lip care.  First Step: Do a lip scrub once to twice per week. If you’re busy, set a particular day in the week, like a Saturday to make sure this stays in your lip care routine.  Second Step: Use a lip butter or a lip balm on the daily. This should be a part of your daily routine. Put it on before you leave the house,...

Harsh wind. Cold dry air. Rainy days. Frost, snow!Autumn and winter can be harsh on your lips. I want to help you embrace all the beauty of the colder seasons and avoid all the things you don’t like about it, such as chapped, painful lips!Here are some quick tips to help save your lips:1. Invest in a Humidifier - It’s incredible how such a small device can make a huge difference for your skin. Fire it up before going to bed, to keep your lips from dehydrating during the night. Then...

One of the most common questions I see is when should you apply certain products. Should you apply the serum before or after the eye cream? Should you apply the moisturisers before or after sunscreen? Reading your comments, emails and more, I get a great insight into what your concerns are, and what you’re confused by. It's clear that there is a huge range of knowledge and experience with skincare. Some are just beginning their skincare journey at 60, while some have been right on track for 30 years or more.Let's see if...

Are wrinkles really are a sign of life?When I was sat in the chemotherapy ward not knowing if I'd survive I can promise you, wrinkles were the last thing on my mind! Compared to the joy of being alive and getting to see the people I love every day and do good in the world they were just 'meh' ... 'Meh' ... 'Meh'? ... what does that even mean?Well, it means they are just not very important. BUT! It's not quite that simple. Because there is something intrinsically linked to...

If you’ve been hit by the Autumn weather like bolt from the blue, you’re not the only one! The days have suddenly gotten colder, darker and blankets have been taken out of the closet and the central heating back on 'timed'! But don't worry, today, you’ll discover exactly what to focus on in order to determine the right Autumn skincare routine for you. The summer glow doesn’t have to go away, you just have to keep chasing it with the right routine. Here we go:EXFOLIATORThis is a tricky one, as for some...

We’re all ageing.  That’s a fact, and that’s beautiful!! Wrinkles and lines can be reminders of all the beautiful and hard moments we’ve been through - but equally, there’s nothing wrong with trying to lessen their appearance. Wanting youthful, plump and smooth skin isn’t a crime!  One product that you have to include in your skincare regimen to achieve this is a face serum. Moisturiser is great, but serum kicks everything up a notch and offers benefits that you can’t get from a regular moisturiser. Here’s why. Serums can penetrate...

If you don’t feel comfortable in your skin, then nothing seems to be going the right way. When your skin feels tight, dry and even itchy, that feeling can really get you down. On the other side, hydrated, plump and soft skin makes you feel amazing. Your mood is uplifted. You feel and look more beautiful and confident.  And no matter how hard you try, there’s just no escaping dry skin. It happens to everyone, in all seasons and all stages of life. So, what is the key to combatting this...

Have your favourite skincare products, that you simply reach for over and over again? Life gets too busy sometimes to stop and think about what we’re using and whether it actually works in our favour.  When Autumn months come along, I tend to layer up my sweaters and sweatshirts, yet, not until a couple of years ago did I start thinking about my skin at Autumn. At least, I haven’t been thinking in the right way.  So, we bundle ourselves up, get cosy and embrace the layers, enjoy the delicate...

Can there really be a connection between the mind and the body? YES ... I believe so! And not only that but I believe that what’s on the inside will show on the outside. It’s incredible the limits you can push with your mind and your body, and how both affect each other. You can influence your mental health, with your physical activity and vice versa. It’s an intertwined relationship that is extremely important.  The same principle can be applied to your skin. It’s not just what you do on the...

Telltale mark on your face somewhere that sits like a historical landmark reminding you of what you’ve been through? Blemishes, old acne, scar tissue, sun spots to remind you of days of tanning at the beach, discolouration, eczema, or just plain dry skin! You're not alone. You’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work - very well. You're surrounded with products; it's so easy to get confused! Good news! It’s far easier to tackle all of these issues than it was just five years ago. Here we go!  Sun SpotsYou’ll...