Sharon's Secret to Super Soft Hands

Sharon's Secret to Super Soft Hands



I was so excited when Sharon applied to join our Ambassador Program. A qualified beauty therapist having run three salons and a home beauty room for decades. Not to mention several years promoting cosmetics and skincare with a team of hundreds across the UK. So to hear that HIGHBORN has become Sharon's all-time favourite means the world to me!

And there's no stopping this amazing skincare and beauty fanatic ... living with Parkinson's Disease since 2014 and full of confidence to bring you her tried and tested top tips as your trusted Ambassador. 

Over to you Sharon ...


So, I'm 63 and I can honestly say my skin has never been better! I discovered HIGHBORN last year whilst looking for something new to try. I was so inspired by Tracey and the amazing reviews I just knew this was the skincare range for me. 

I ordered my first set and haven't looked back. It's the best skincare I've ever used (and I've used so many over the years!). The results speak for themselves. Age, of course, takes its toll but my medication definitely had a detrimental effect on my skin and my confidence. So it's been a vicious circle.

HIGHBORN has changed that and I'm back to my old self. My skin is radiant again and I even go out without makeup sometimes which was unheard of for me. I get so many compliments about my skin, it's just wonderful.

But today I wanted to share with you a real treat for your hands. I enjoy gardening and have to use a lot of sanitiser for work so my hands have really suffered. Red, sore, dry and dehydrated. I played around with my HIGHBORNs and discovered this gorgeous routine for turning around unhappy hands in minutes (or as long as you like). I'd actually call this a ritual because it's so relaxing and enjoyable.

You'll need your body butter, scrub, facial oil, a candle to set the scene, and conditioner (yes! you'll see why). You'll also need a bowl of warm water, a lovely soft towel and a pair of cotton or disposable gloves. Some relaxing music too! 

Here's my step-by-step guide or watch my video and I'll show you as I go ...

  • Light the beautifully relaxing Rose and Oud Spring candle
  • Add a few drops of conditioner into a bowl of warm water, give it whisk with your fingers
  • Massage the scrub into your hands and leave on
  • Soak your hands in the water (if you've been gardening use the shampoo too!)
  • Push back your cuticles and file your nails
  • Add a few drops of organic facial oil into a small amount of body butter
  • Massage into your hands and nails
  • Pop on some gloves, cotton or disposable (this will warm your hands and allows the body butter and oil to soak in)
  • Wrap your hands in a warm towel
  • Sit back and relax for as long as you like!
  • Remove your gloves and reveal beautifully soft, revived hands 

Enjoy giving this a go and I look forward to sharing more tips soon!


Sharon x 

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    I have watched this video of Sharon’s hand treatment which I loved and will try. I have had a serious hand condition for years where my hands blister due to allergies . Then they have to heal it is painful and sore. My hands are better at the moment and need a luxurious treatment to soften . I am very conscious of my hands as they look old due to the condition . Thankyou Sharon will try this xx

    Michele Salkeld

    Hi Sharon, I’m a HighBorn ambassador too and agree with you, the products are fab and I can’t imagine using anything else for my skin now! Love this idea, thank you, will definitely give it a try. I need to order the rose and oud candle too! Any more tips and suggestions gladly received! Best wishes

    Ann Baker

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