Tracey lives with Henry and their two children Henry (junior, he's 7) and Matilda (she's 6) by the sea away from the hustle of her much loved London. "Discovering I had breast cancer was both the worst and yet most inspiring time of my life. I'm so grateful to still be here that I will do everything I can to help as many women as I can look and feel fantastic and at the same time help end to breast cancer for good," says Tracey.
"I'd worked with some of the World's Top Skincare Brands run a chain of beauty salons, owned my own salon but never had the courage to really follow my passion and start my own skincare company. So I started with what I needed," she says. "Natural, nasty free skincare that really helped me look and feel better about myself and had people saying I looked great!"
So just over a year ago literally right after finishing her treatment she took her last few hundred pounds and she went into the skincare business herself. The response has been overwhelming with thousands of people all over the world ditching expensive high street products to switch to HighBorn and more positive feedback than Tracey had ever dare dream of.