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As you get older, dead skin cells don’t shed as fast and easily as they used to when you were younger. Everything starts to slow down, and so do dead skin cells.  So exfoliation is essential. 1. It helps your products work better. Don’t expect a miracle if you’re layering your favourite skincare product on top of layers, and layers and layers of dead skin cells. They will serve as a barricade between your skin and your products, disabling the connection between the two. Hence, making the products less effective...

Summer is coming! And it's time to welcome all its charms with arms wide open and skin well-prepared too! Here are your top six essential summer skincare tips:  1. Make the moisturiser switch!A heavy-duty moisturiser will feel simply too heavy on hot summer days. Switch to a lighter formula, for example, a lightweight gel, that is simultaneously hydrating and soaks in quickly. Why? Because your skin produces more sweat and oil in the summer. In turn, this can cause breakouts and clogged pores, which is why it's essential to make the change. Our...

Sunspots and freckles... they're all the same... or are they? Freckles are freckles. Adorable, and even fashionable. But, there’s more to them than just that. Chances are if your parents had them, so will you. They are hereditary, but they can also be triggered by sun exposure.  But even if you've had freckles since childhood you may also notice new ones appearing following sun exposure.  Your face, your cheeks, arms, and chest, and it appears as if they have been lightly sprinkled all over these areas by a magic brush.  Sunspots are caused...

  Leanna Biggs, is a stunning makeup artist and a 2020 Wedding Industry Awards Regional Finalist.  She's also determined to look after her skin because it's critical for your makeup looking great! And that's where HighBorn comes In.  Leanne uses HighBorn every day and whole-heatedly recommends to the brides helps look amazing on their special day and all her clients. Watch her video above for a look at her HighBorn routine. And here's Leanna's normal routine in her own words: "I've just got out of the shower and dried my...

The skin on your face is a priority. But, what about your décolletage?  Your neck and chest should get the same amount of love and attention from you as your face does. You know what they say, you can see just how well you take care of your skin by the way your hands and your neck look.  The skin on your neck is different from the skin on the rest of your body, as it has less sebaceous glands and fewer melanocytes. Here’s how you can refresh your décolletage...

Do I have to use a serum if I’m using a moisturiser?  I am using the serum, is it okay to skip on the moisturiser? Which do I apply first?  What’s the difference between a serum and moisturiser? If even one of these questions has taken a stroll through your mind, keep on reading to learn what the two main differences are. Difference in Purpose A serum and a moisturiser clearly play two different roles, so comparing them is like comparing apples and oranges.  A moisturiser has been designed to...

  Do this, and don’t do that. Apply this over this, but don’t do that in this amount. Are you confused yet?   Nighttime skincare routine is essential, not to mention extremely satisfying and pleasant. Here is what I recommend you start with to keep your complexion in tip-top shape.   Start off with a cleanser. Remove any impurities that might have landed on the surface and start fresh.   Move onto the serum. We’ve heard about so many of you who love to skip this step, thinking a serum is...

Just picking up a shopping bag or tying his shoes would have him grimacing, even 'shouting' out in pain!That's what it was like for years as Henry really suffered from dry, splitting skin on his fingers.It was awful.Henry's sore, dry hands were caused by running in the cold, wet, weather. BUT, the constant washing of hands we're all doing now means we get tons enquiries from you with sore, dry hands!GOOD NEWS is Henry doesn't struggle any more. Flaky skin cracked skin, even skin that bleeds, we’ve heard and seen...

By now, even the little birdies on the branches are singing the song of sunscreen. Yes, you do need to use it, but do you know why exactly? How often and how much?  Let’s get down to business and learn all that you REALLY need to know about sunscreen.   THE WHY The main function of sunscreen is to protect your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. These rays come in two forms - UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays are often mentioned when we talk about skin ageing. They can...

Lockdown may mean you have some more free time! Or perhaps you're one of our amazing NHS, key workers or carers! Either way, it's time to look after YOU! It is high time you put YOURSELF first. It’s okay to want to feel better. It’s okay to take care of yourself before anyone else. Because that way, you have the best version of you to give ...  Here’s how you can get started.  Incorporate some morning exercise into your routine. While catching a few extra minutes of sleep sounds amazing,...