How to Break Your Negative Thoughts and Feel Great!

How to Break Your Negative Thoughts and Feel Great!

When your mind slips into negative thinking; do you struggle to change it? 
Every worst-case scenario keeps playing in your mind like a never-ending movie.
It can be exhausting. Physically, emotionally and mentally. Even if it’s only happening in your head, the fear, anxiety and uncertainty is a powerful enemy.
The more you give in to it, the more you invite it into your life the more difficult it becomes to break out and think differently. 
So how do you stop? What can you do to escape the negative thoughts?
Well, there is a way. And while your mind may tell you it's too tired to try ... it's NOT ... and you must ... try these ...
- Help someone!  Helping other people releases brain chemicals and hormones which make you feel better! It helps you get out of the darkness of your mind. Just a simple thing like a phone call to check with a family member or friend and then your offer of help. It's like switching on the light.
- Challenge your mind. Instead of thinking, ''My health is in danger. I scared, everything I know is falling apart'', try thinking more rationally. Remember all the 'battles' you faced in the past that seemed insurmountable yet you got through them fine ... 
Let me give you another example. Instead of saying, ''This is only getting worse and worse, and I don’t see how it will get better.’’, think, ''The situation right now isn't ideal, but it won’t last forever. I don’t know what the future holds, but, I will work it out’’.
- Reflect daily on the good things in life! You CANNOT be both grateful and scared at the same time. Your mind CANNOT do it.
So try to ask yourself the question, ''What do I have right now that I should be grateful for?'' Is it your job? The health of your loved ones? A lovely home? Full fridge? Enough time to stay at home and spend time with your loved ones? Whatever it is, remember it and say it out loud. Be grateful for them.
- Create a learning moment. Focus on what you can learn from this situation. You know that in every bad situation, there’s also something positive that you can take away from it. This is your opportunity to reflect on what you want in life, what’s missing and what you truly don’t need in your life.
You have plenty of time to analyse the world and your personal life. Take advantage of it.
- Embrace isolation with your loved ones. If you’re stuck in the house with your family, don’t dwell on the idea of how amazing it would be that you were somewhere else. Take the opportunity and turn it into valuable family time. Catch up with your loved ones, or learn even more about their lives. When you focus on that, the negative slips away easily.
- Time, time, time! You simply have more time, and that in itself is enough to make you happy. This isn’t a bad thing. We often hear each other say how we don’t have time for exercising, reading, spending time with each other. So why not embrace it instead of focusing on everything else that is bothering you?
- Read about inspirational people who have gone through tough times. Read about the lessons they learned, and learn what their advice is. Positivity all the way! Turn on Youtube and I challenge you to listen to these people and still feel down ... Les Brown ... Earl Nightingale ... Napoleon Hill ... Tony Robbins ... to name a few. 
The bottom line is switching your focus.
When you change the things you think about and switch from negative to positive thinking, your life experiences change too
Do your best to feel your best and remember you ARE amazing! Tracey x
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Thank you for your practical and uplifting post. I feel inspired by your uplifting words
Life is wonderful and I thank God for my beautiful healthy family. Thanks again Tracey, you really are an inspiration to the human race. Take care and stay safe xx


Exactly what I wanted to hear this morning. We get into such a vicious circle and forget how we can focus on the positives. Thank you.


This is so inspiring reading this with what I’m going through right now
Thank you ❤️

Clare Williams

Good positive and practical advice. My own thoughts exactly! We will get through this and be better for it in lots of ways. Now is the time to reflect on life and get ready to implement the changes you think necessary.

Dee Lowe

Thank you of your inspiration, Tracey! I’m remembering my dad today for some reason more than lately.. He passed away from cancer 2.5 years ago., so feel a bit sad. Reading your ‘feeling great in lockdown’ will keep me going for sure.. And I hope my first set (4 products) will arrive later this week, double bonus!

Thank you and hope you and your family are well!


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