Sensitive Skin Care Made Easy

Sensitive Skin Care Made Easy

Walking down the washing powder aisle at the supermarket is dangerous!
Because my skin is so sensitive! Just the faint whiff of biological washing powder can cause havoc with my skin.
Do you suffer from sensitive skin?
Most women will say yes.
But what are the symptoms of sensitive skin? Well, one woman may say it is because gets eczema. Another may have occasional dry, flaky patches. A third may say her skin easily rashes. So which one actually has sensitive skin? Well, they all do.
Sensitive skin describes all sorts of conditions from general irritation to dry skin to rosacea.
What they all have in common is inflammation.
But how does have inflammation happen? Well, it occurs when your skin’s outer barrier is damaged. Sometimes through a lack of hydration. Sometimes through overexposure to the sun or sometimes through contact with irritants.
Plus, sensitivity can be worse in winter and as you age as skin becomes more dehydrated.
How to Soothe Sensitive Skin
Now let's calm irritated skin and help strengthen your skin’s protective moisture barrier:
  1. Moisturise ... regularly! By far is the best thing you can do to help improve the healthy look and feel of your skin. And if possible, moisturiser immediately after showering, bathing or washing your face. This will help lock in the water that is still on your skin for optimal hydration.

  2. Protect. Wear a dedicated SPF all year round. Sun exposure is top on the list of sensitive skin triggers.

  3. Take cooler showers and try to limit them to 10 minutes.

  4. Use a humidifier. It helps to add moisture to the air in the drier months.
And if you have sensitive skin and it needs an instant moisture boost then be sure to check our amazing new Organic Hydration Gel.
Have an amazing day, Tracey x
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1 comment

Thank you for that information I use your organic hydration gel at night it’s lovely my skin feels so much better in the morning now! Also I have rosacea and since I have been using your Product I have tried not taking my antibiotics So far so good 😊 really impressed ! Thank you

Christine Storer

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