Exercise for Life

Physical activity is like green juice for your mental health and beauty. It’s a boost of positivity, inspiration, energy that you need to be happy and to feel good.
Every cell in our body is connected in a way, through little, intricate pathways. It’s no wonder that so many factors can influence how we feel and how our skin behaves.
Remember that feeling when you’ve been out for a walk, and you’re all happy and energetic? And that was a simple walk around the block!
Imagine how regular exercise can improve your physical and mental health. You’ll be able to effortlessly and without miracles:
Improve your memory
Become better at planning, multi-tasking and managing
Prompt growth of new nerve cells and blood vessels
Sleep better
Lower blood pressure
Improve your complexion
Achieve mental clarity
Become stronger
Increase confidence
Let’s make ourselves accountable for what we do. Let’s take care of our healthy, inside and out. Beauty will come with it naturally. Let’s also not make excuses, as we as humans are so powerful.
You CAN do it all.
You can be a parent, you can have a career, you can go to Yoga or run the marathon, you can be the jack of all trades. Fuse the ‘’you’’ and ‘’can’’ and realise that everything is possible when you put your mind to it.
So, what can you do? Just start. Push that metaphorical button in your mind and get starter. Walk for five minutes outside. Ride the bicycle to the shops. Walk to the shops. Wake up earlier to make time for exercise. Whether you do it in the morning, or the evening, it doesn't matter.
Take the stairs.
Join the gym.
Do squats or lunges while folding laundry.
Find an exercise buddy and motivate each other so you don't quit. Hold each other accountable.
Do cardio at home for five minutes (even it means just running in place).
Exercise isn't a luxurious activity. It's necessary. Embrace it and enjoy it.
1 comment
Good advice