Bring Back Your Sparkle With 5 Top Tips For Beautiful Eyes
Your eyes have never been so important. Why? Because aside from video meets or a stroll outside, nobody, except the people you live with, is getting even a glimpse at the rest of your beautiful face. Not to mention they are the window to your soul.
Interestingly, this has even made an impact on make-up sales. Throughout the pandemic, lipstick purchases have decreased and eye make-up sales have gone through the roof. And this all makes perfect sense when you’re diligently wearing that all-important face mask and your eyes are taking centre stage.
But while eye make-up has its place for enhancing what nature gave you, if you really want to beautify your eyes and make them appear brighter, younger and wide-awake (even if the rest of your body might be flagging!), upping your eye care game is far more important and effective.
Here’s how…
1. Embrace The Powers Of An Eye Gel
We often get asked if eye creams are really necessary. And the answer is a firm YES. Eye treatments are designed specifically for the thinner, more delicate skin around the eyes. They’re also gentler than regular face creams and formulated with targeted ingredients to help improve the most common signs of eye ageing such as dark circles, puffiness and fine lines.
Our Imperial Eye Gel, for example, contains calming and soothing ingredients such as aloe vera and green tea, plus hyaluronic acid for hydration and a super-charged, anti-ageing peptide called Matrixyl. Matrixyl helps stimulate collagen production for younger, firmer skin around your eyes.
Apply Imperial Eye Gel twice daily for the best results and if you’re not sure of the best way to apply it? We can help you with that, right here!
2. Chill With A Cold Compress
Some beauty tricks are old wives’ tales, but applying something cold to your eyes? Not one of them. This actually works. The coolness constricts the blood vessels around your eyes, while light pressure further activates your body to drain water retention. Together, these actions help reduce puffiness with very little effort on your behalf. Got to love that.
Now, here’s an easy top tip … keep your Imperial Eye Gel in the fridge for a spin on the old cold teaspoon hack. It’ll instantly cool and soothe your delicate eye area whilst activating its rejuvenating properties. Of course, you can use slices of cooled cucumber or a soggy teabag, but chilling your Imperial Eye Gel … much, much nicer to reduce swelling and wake up tired eyes.
3. Don’t Overload Your Eyes
Less is more. It really is. Make sure you don’t overload the skin around your eyes with too much eye gel. Packing on oceans of product won’t make it any more effective. Quite the opposite, in fact. Your skin can only absorb so much, so any excess will just sit on top of your skin, slowly creeping towards your eyes and potentially causing irritation. Remember, this is a very small area of skin, so a tiny amount of eye gel is plenty for both eyes.
Thinking of reaching for the concealer for a quick fix? Fine, but go lightly. Heavy concealers and foundations will overwhelm delicate eye skin. They may lighten dark circles but they’ll also emphasise fine lines, deeper wrinkles, or dry skin. Much better to treat than cover, skincare first and all!
4. Perfect Your Sleeping Routine
We all know not getting enough sleep plays havoc with your eyes. But here’s an extra tip … if you suffer with puffiness around your eyes, sleep with an extra pillow. Elevating your head while you sleep helps reduce excess fluid from pooling around your eyes. Clever stuff!
Poor sleep quality is one of the main causes of dark circles and under-eye puffiness. So, let’s just say this. Try to get as much sleep as you can by putting down your devices in plenty of time before bed. And those pesky thoughts that play on your mind at the end of the day? Write them down in a bedside notebook and leave them for another day. Improving your quality of sleep will quickly shine through your eyes.
5. Check In On Your Eating & Drinking Habits
Keeping your body hydrated is really important for reducing water retention and under-eye puffiness. So make sure you drink plenty of fluids (and no, sorry, wine won’t cut the mustard). Also, did you know that bad fats, sugar and too much salt is in your diet dehydrates your body, causing it to hold on to fluid? Often collecting under your poor eyes.
Check in on your consumption and if there’s one thing to make sure you do, focus on your water intake. Better still, if you can, antioxidant-rich fresh fruit and veg help promote healthy, youthful-looking eyes too.
Head to the shop for our full range of Imperial Eye Gel singles and sets here >> SHOP HIGHBORN