Lockdown 3.0 Survival Guide

Lockdown 3.0 Survival Guide


What a rollercoaster the past few days have been. And now here we are again ... National lockdown 3.0... Henry Jnr and Matilda back at home school.

There's no doubt our HIGHBORN community will already be feeling the stresses and strains ... 

You're only human. Feeling anxious? Feeling overwhelmed? You're not alone ...  

We're all in this together. We're a community that cares for one another. A community that has positivity at its core. A community that has incredible strength to conquer the toughest times. 

And YOU are a part of this community. And I'm so glad you are here. Because the HIGHBORN community is by your side every step of the way ... 

To inspire you, to pick you up, to help you look for the sparkles amongst the storm. And that's what I want to help you with today ... 

Reflecting on yesterday and the first lockdown, I wanted to share with you my own self-help tips for getting through these difficult times.

So here are 5 practical steps for you ...

1) Don't panic, stay CALM

Panicking affects your ability to interpret what you hear, see and read. Staying calm helps you process information better because you can think more clearly. Calmness also helps you to be more productive so you can tackle the essential tasks for the day. Once you know how to rid a sense of panic, you can make smoother strides throughout the day (I say "day" because you may well need to readjust and remind yourself each day).

2) Don't try to do too much 

That long list of jobs around the house you've been waiting to do. The cupboards and drawers you wanted to sort. They can all wait. Choose 3 or 4 tasks each day to focus on. And try not to take on anything else. Depending on your circumstances, these could be things like getting everyone up, fed and dressed to the usual routine; putting one load of washing on; tackling some work priorities; an hour or so of home schooling; getting outside for some exercise. The usual daily tasks really are enough right now!

3) Get outside and be active

I cannot recommend this enough! Try to get at least 20 minutes of fresh air each day. There are numerous health benefits like increasing your energy, clearing your mind and releasing serotonin - the HAPPY hormone!  So make sure you take a break and head outside each day. Even if it's just for a short stroll. 

4) Be self-care aware

Taking care of yourself is so important for your physical and mental health. Whether it's eating a healthy meal or snack, having 5 minutes to yourself (maybe even a little home pampering), calling a friend or reading a few pages from a book. Make sure you put some time aside each day for YOU. Do something you know you'll enjoy - it doesn't take a lot to reset and recharge and you'll feel so much better for it!  

5) Be grateful

I've said this before in a previous blog but in difficult times it's easy to forget the things you're grateful for. It's so powerful to remind yourself each day of one thing in your life that you appreciate. Your brain won't allow you to feel anxious when you're thinking of something you're grateful for! So when you're getting ready in the morning or making breakfast, think of one thing that you really appreciate. And keep it in mind for the rest of the day to help fend off those moments of stress.  

Even if you can only manage one of the above, you're guaranteed to feel better for it. And know that I'm here to help keep your spirits up in whatever way I can!

You are amazing and you can do this! Feel free to share your tips below too!

Tracey xxxx

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What a fabulous blog having been recently widowed unexpectedly and having no children or siblings but fortunately still have both my parents it’s very easy to focus on what you have lost and not what you have.I found the being grateful for one thing really empowering. Thank you. I’m brand new to the Highborn family and am looking forward to receiving my purchase to try your products.

Denise Piper

Hi Tracey, I’ve just read your msg and I agree entirely. During LDs it is so easy to try to push ourselves too hard because we have simply become used to doing this in our normal daily lives. We become worried and over anxious because we feel everything is out of our control and we are unsure of the future. Use this time to do just a few tasks each day, make lists – albeit not long ones, cross off what you have achieved, read that novel that you never had the time for, start a craft project, try out a new recipe, make contact with an old friend, watch a tv series, listen to an audio tape. Yoga is good and an exhilarating walk outside even better. Make a note of 3 things that make you happy each day.


So true, Tracey! I try to start my day with some exercises for problem knees & calm, slow breathing is a great addition to this. I do make lists of things to do – short & longer term – & get a lot of satisfaction from crossing things off when I’ve done them! Today’s task was ‘Sort out utility room’ ✅ I cycle or walk, alone or with a friend every day, whatever the weather, & if nothing else, this always provides lots of reasons to be thankful – friendship, new green shoots of spring bulbs, sunshine, snow, whatever! And I do practice self care & make the effort to get up & dressed, make up, coffee & a treat mid morning, FaceTime friends or family, read, watch Netflix & the odd glass of wine. Life could be so much worse!

Marieke Derrington

Lovely meessage
I always say
Alone and lonely are differ
Listen and and be a giver
Be caring and kind
Kindness stays in the mind

S x


Thank you for your email this morning 🙏.
I had an injury just before Christmas and have 18 wks in a boot and crutches. So need to keep positive mindset is difficult to do thinks that are normally a breeze.
So all positive messages emails so helpful and reassuring.
💖 Emma

Emma Raffaelli

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