Ambassador Ali On How To Thrive Despite The Turmoil Of Life

Ambassador Ali On How To Thrive Despite The Turmoil Of Life

It brings me so much joy to share with you the incredible soul that is Ali. Beautiful inside and out, Ambassador Ali's inspiring outlook and approach to getting through the toughest time of her life just has to be absorbed by everyone!

Read on to feel wonderful and ready to take the world on, just like Ali...

Hi! I'm Ali...

I have faced some tough personal challenges over the past few years and staying fit and healthy in body, soul and spirit has helped me to thrive despite the turmoil of life. I believe gratitude and faith are key in this. I have much to be thankful for, truly I do.

One of my greatest blessings has been to parent wonderful 3 children, now adults. I have worked in the probation service and now work for a national charity which provides accommodation for people who have offended and struggle to find their place in the community.

I have a keen interest in mental health and am lucky to have enjoyed a career which I'm passionate about - I love to what makes my heart sing!

Stress Took Ahold Of My Skin

When my husband left me unexpectedly 2 years ago, the stress took hold of my skin in the most awful way. I struggled to find a skincare range that would soothe rather than exacerbate the eczema-like symptoms I suddenly had to deal with all over my face and neck.

I tried a number of different brands and then found HIGHBORN. The rest is history!...

I quickly discovered relief for my agitated skin and was able to finally enjoy looking and feeling better as a result of these beautiful products.

I honestly could not be without these now!

I Wasn't Motivated By Skincare Before...

Nothing seemed to work and I wasn't focused on my self care. I knew I needed to make changes and HIGHBORN has given me the motivation to look after my skin and feel better about myself.

I've established a decent skincare routine for the first time. I'm consistent with cleansing and toning before applying my serum and moisturisers. Several times a week I love to use the Natural Luminosity Scrub. I've found this really makes such a difference. I've never experienced this before!

I also love a few drops of the Age-Defying Facial Oil and allow that to soak in overnight. I use very little make-up and find I don't need to as my skin has a healthy glow now. That's been a real benefit for me these past months when I've felt at my lowest ebb.

My Delight Is Multifaceted!

I experience very noticeable results and the products last so long because you only need a tiny amount. I feel special, calmed and revived when using them too.

Supporting breast cancer is really important to me and Tracey's story is so inspirational. I love that HIGHBORN encourages women to encourage one another and celebrates over-comers. It's a wonderful community.

The fact that HIGHBORN uses natural ingredients, with no animal testing, no parabens or sulphates and is made in the UK is important to me too.... Plus the gorgeous little glass jars I can recycle and pop candles in....what's not to love?!

I adore being a part of the HIGHBORN community and I cannot wait to share more with you!

Ali x

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