The Beauty Of Age

The Beauty Of Age

Beauty can and does mean different things to different people. And of course I talk about beauty with you a lot! So first things first, what does beauty mean to me and all of us here at HIGHBORN? Well, beauty is a mixture of qualities in a person that inspire and brighten the world. Attitude, confidence, personality, passion ... 

Living life to the full, no matter what.

And as we grow older, I believe we realise this more. We understand, appreciate and respect the true meaning of beauty and living! We get to determine what's beautiful and what growing older means to us.

That's not to say growing old is a walk in the park. I'm not implying we're all sprinting to, or through, our older years without a care in the world. The fact is, doing the things we love might become harder, relationships and interests change [we lose some; we gain some too!], menopausal menaces to contend with, health and life challenges to navigate through too.

But the moment you realise and accept that ageing is a gift, that's when the fun really begins. Quite simply, it's a privilege. It's to be celebrated and to be proud of. It's there to be grabbed by the horns and for you to make the most of.

You might be wondering by now, why haven't I mentioned appearance or skin? Why do we have "age-defying" HIGHBORNs and why do we talk about youthful complexions? Ease fine lines and wrinkles anyone? It's very simple. A lot happens to your skin as you age. It's nature and it's inevitable ...

BUT you can totally help your skin to be its best, no matter your age. And why wouldn't you want to do the best for your skin? Because the way you feel about your skin impacts how you feel about you. It impacts your confidence, and remember, confidence is beautiful.

So the fact is, your skin needs helping hand as it ages to restore what it's naturally loosing. There are many factors which can make your skin age faster than it should. Take a look at what happens to your skin as you age here. And this is where a good skincare regime can help.

Growing older is a beautiful thing to be embraced and to be cherished. And I wanted to share with you a few little pointers for helping you to stay your beautiful self ...

Appreciate You

You are full of wisdom, experience and knowledge that you have worked hard for! You have so much to be proud of and so much to share with the world. You help others around you because you are kind and you know what really matters in life.

You brighten people's day by being YOU. You are loved and appreciated for who you are - and you should also appreciate you. Self-love and appreciation radiates through!

Stay Active

The moment you start to feel like you can't is the moment where other things start to spiral. Keeping your energy levels up is so important for your mind, body and soul. Your limits may well change but you can keep going right to them. 

Challenge yourself, push yourself, try something new if you have to make a change. You will feel amazing for letting nothing stop you.

Take Care Of Your Skin

As I said earlier, your skin needs more help as it ages thanks to Mother Nature. Don't let changes in your skin get you down. Keep on top of the latest skincare advice and incorporate the right products to help your skin be its best. Feeling comfortable in your skin will help you feel comfortable in yourself.

Wrinkles, age spots and the likes can all be eased naturally with good skincare if you choose. But don't forget, they are yours to treasure for the life you're living. And they're a part of your beauty and your story!

Surround Yourself With The Right People

Relationships change as people change. Make sure you spend your time with people who appreciate you as much as you appreciate them. Whichever chapter you're in right now, think about who can walk it with you. 

Surround yourself with people who help you to feel good and who you enjoy! Find new experiences and adventures together and keep the fun flowing! 

Don't forget, you get to determine what's beautiful and what growing older means to you. There's one thing I know for sure ... I want to stay true to me, living each day to the fullest, doing what I love and making the best memories. And I want to look like me, no matter my age - the best version of me. Naturally!

Tracey xxxx



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1 comment

What a wonderful, inspiring post. It’s so important to remember what a privilege it is to be able to grow older and to embrace it whenever we can.

Hayley Enright

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