Seven Skincare Sins You Need To Stop Right Now

Seven Skincare Sins You Need To Stop Right Now

You might think you’re doing everything you can for your skin, but some of the worst skincare sins are those you either don’t know you’re committing or don’t think are that bad. Hands up if you’re guilty of any of the following skincare sins. Our money’s on number two at the very least…

Skincare Sin #1. Not Cleansing Before Bed

You’ve likely had moments when you’ve been too exhausted to cleanse your skin before hitting the sack. And while this is OK on the odd occasion, if you get into the habit of going to bed in your makeup your skin will seriously suffer. Even if you don’t wear makeup, think of the grime, pollution, sweat and oil that’s accumulated on your face throughout the day. Grim.

Overnight is when your skin goes into regeneration mode, so if you ‘suffocate’ it by failing to cleanse properly, this whole system becomes null and void. Not to mention the potential for breakouts… 

If you know you’re always too tired before bed, try cleansing your face with Crystal Cleanser earlier in the evening. Then you’ll have no excuses when it’s time to turn in.

Skincare Sin #2. Being Impatient With Skincare

Skincare products cannot perform miracles – oh, how we wish they could. Of course, there are proven ingredients that are great for reducing the visible signs of ageing, treating acne, moisturising dry skin and the like, but they take time to work. So, next time you throw out a product because it hasn’t instantly given you skin to die for, hold fire. 

Experts agree that products like serums and facial oils – which work on a deep, cellular level – take at least four to six weeks to do their job properly. So, be patient, yes? 

Skincare Sin #3. Ignoring Changes In Your Skin

This is an important one, but something us Brits are always guilty of. And that’s neglecting notable changes in the health of your skin. Has your face suddenly started feeling itchy? Maybe you’ve noticed a new mole? Or perhaps an existing one has started looking kind of off? 

Never hesitate to see your local GP or a dermatologist if you experience or notice a significant change in your skin. End of.

Skincare Sin #4. Overloading Your Skin With Actives

Many problems arise from applying too many lotions, potions, serums and oils to your delicate complexion. 

Firstly, if you slather your skin in a gazillion products morning and night, how on earth are you supposed to know what’s effective and what’s not? Answer: you won’t. Secondly, are you applying them in the correct order, because if not, they might not even have the chance to work? And thirdly, overloading your skin with potent ingredients like vitamin C, retinol and fruit acids can cause irritation, redness, itching and breakouts. 

Pare back your routine to include only the products that really work. Pre-Eminent Beauty Serum, for example, is the perfect all-round, age-defying facial serum that’s been carefully formulated with antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and marine collagen to offer everything your skin needs in one gentle, but kick-ass product. 

Skincare Sin #5. Venturing Outside Without SPF

Do we really need to go there? OK. Sunscreen is the number one cause of external skin ageing. And the sun is present ALL YEAR ROUND. So, you do the maths.

If you hate the idea of applying heavy sunscreen every day, you’ll love Organic Tinted Moisturiser With SPF 25. It moisturises, protects and gives your skin a gorgeous hint of colour. 

Skincare Sin #6. Never Cleaning Your Make-Up Brushes

Anything that touches your face daily needs regular cleaning. This includes your make-up brushes, phone, pillowcase, towels, face cloths and, of course, your hands. All these things hoard bacteria which, when transferred to your skin, can block your pores, causing breakouts and irritation.

The rule of thumb is to clean make-up brushes and pillowcases every week; wash towels and face cloths every few days, and sanitise your phone at least once a day. And your hands? Well, you can’t wash your hands too often these days, but at the very least wash them when preparing food, after using the loo and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. 

Skincare Sin #7. Paying Zero Attention To Your Neck

The skin on your neck is thin and prone to damage from environmental stressors like pollution and sun damage. It also contains fewer sebaceous glands and less collagen than elsewhere on your body, which makes it drier and weaker.

Whatever your skincare routine, ensure your neck (and chest area) get a piece of the action. Cleanse and moisturise morning and night, exfoliate regularly and treat both areas to some protective antioxidants by smoothing a little Organic Age-Defying Facial Oil over cleansed skin before bed. Trust us, it’ll be 100 percent worth it.

And finally, we hope you know it goes without saying that smoking, poor diet, stress, lack of sleep etc etc are devils for your skin too. You don't need us to tell you that again.

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Thank you for the reminder! Guilty as charged, especially at night. Sin 2 I’m afraid! At 76yrs old I do want to still look 40!!

Barbara Drage

Will you ever consider a face mask some times my skin needs more at the moment I’m struggling with rosacea and a health problem that’s dehydrated my skin I do use the gel but may be a mask would help

Dawn sleet

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