How to Take Care of Dry, Irritated Hands in 2020

How to Take Care of Dry, Irritated Hands in 2020

Just picking up a shopping bag or tying his shoes would have him grimacing, even 'shouting' out in pain!

That's what it was like for years as Henry really suffered from dry, splitting skin on his fingers.

It was awful.

Henry's sore, dry hands were caused by running in the cold, wet, weather. BUT, the constant washing of hands we're all doing now means we get tons enquiries from you with sore, dry hands!

GOOD NEWS is Henry doesn't struggle any more.

Flaky skin cracked skin, even skin that bleeds, we’ve heard and seen it all. And if your hands are suffering right now, we feel for you.

Read on simple steps you can take to help heal your hands:

Avoid very hot water. If you are already using soap or a cleanser, there is no need to crank the water too hot. Opt for warm water when you’re washing hands or showering. 

Be gentle. Be very gentle with your skin when you are drying your hands. If you're in a hurry it's very easy to harshly rub your hands dry with a towel. This can trigger or worsen your skin condition. Instead, take 10 seconds longer and gently pat your skin dry. 

Apply moisturiser immediately. There is no time to spare - apply moisturiser immediately after patting your hands dry. This will help nourish your hands and seal in some much-needed moisture. Think of your hands as the desert - the desert is dry consistently, and one day of rain won’t change that. So make sure to wash your hands and follow it up with a cream, gel, or ointment.

Our Organic Hydration Gel is a wonderful healer of dry hands. It's this that Henry swears has fixed his dry hands. He has a tube by his desk and uses it at least twice a day!

Layer your products for extra care. We recommend applying your hand cream, and then layering something like petroleum jelly over it. The cream will hydrate your hands, while the ointment will protect it and keep it from evaporating as quickly. 

Choose soap wisely. By this I mean, use a soap that is hypoallergenic, and doesn’t have perfumes in it. When a product like soap has perfume in it, it can irritate your skin further. 

Avoid hand sanitiser when safe to do so. Hand sanitisers can be harsher, and strip even more oils away from your skin, while soap won’t do as much damage. If you have a choice between soap and hand sanitiser, always take a minute more to wash your hands with soap, and pat them dry. 

Wear gloves. Whenever you can, use gloves for extra protection. Whether you are washing dishes or simply doing chores. If you can avoid contact with soap and water, or sanitiser for as long as possible, do it. 

Hope you found these tips helpful.

Stay safe and stay positive, Tracey x


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Hi Tracey I was also curious to know price of your amazing hand cream
Many thanks Sheila xx

Sheila Devine

Hi Tracey how much is the hand gel please, my hands are in a sorry state at the moment with the constant washing because of the current situation we are all in. Kind regards Andrea xx

Andrea Heaney

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