Boost Your Confidence for New Year!

What is the key to beauty?
You're constantly bombarded with external messages on TV, online in magazines and more that tell you to create a beautiful appearance— you need symmetry, smoothness, classic bone structure—BUT they really have very little to do with it.
A close friend of mine has been struggling with her confidence recently and I've really wanted to help her. I know what it's like when you do not look how you want to look! There's little worse for your appearance than the chemotherapy I was lucky enough to endure (and I was lucky because without it the outcome would have been different).
BUT, whether it's something big or just something small like a misplaced unkind remark about your appearance from someone, REMEMBER - how you look on the outside is a manifestation of how you feel on the inside—we radiate what’s inside us!—and the truth is, if you feel great about yourself, that’s what makes you look great to the rest of the world.
But where does that leave us if we don’t already feel confident?
We’re all human; everyone has insecurities and places we feel vulnerable. Even the most vibrant, radiant, energetic, sexy women I know sometimes feel a little less than confident about some aspects of themselves. It’s unrealistic to expect yourself to feel totally fabulous 100% of the time.
As women, we’re often trained to be so tough on ourselves. So much so that if we’re not careful, we can wind up feeling insecure about the fact that we’re not perfectly and constantly confident! It’s a vicious cycle, and it only stops when we interrupt it.
But the good news is that we can. And it doesn’t require some dramatic inner overhaul—it just takes a little consistent, patient practice.
If you try practicing building confidence in small, daily ways, you might be astonished at how profoundly your self-image improves (and how fast!).
First: accept yourself—completely.
What does that even mean?
Well, we all have parts of ourselves that we’d rather deny or hide. When your insecurities come up, it doesn’t feel good, and your first tendency can be to resist that discomfort.
You think if you cover up the thing you’re insecure about, you can make it go away. But here’s the secret: doing that just makes it stronger.
When we resist something we feel insecure about, that plays into the story that it’s a big, bad thing that deserves to be hidden. It might seem paradoxical, but accepting your insecurities and fears is exactly what defuses them.
Say there’s a little wrinkle on your forehead you feel self-conscious about. If you look in the mirror and think to yourself, “I hate that line; I better hide it,” cover it up with concealer and hope nobody notices, that reinforces the idea that it’s supposed to be hidden.
But what would happen if you looked at that wrinkle, said hello to it (no matter how silly that feels!) and accepted it, as a part of you?
If you practice doing that, on purpose, over and over, one day you might find yourself looking in the mirror and not minding that wrinkle one bit. It takes a little practice—and can feel scary at first—but it’s worth a try.
Listen to your body.
When an insecurity comes up, your body’s natural tendency is to clench up around it—and your mind’s tendency is to spin off into all the ways we can hide it, forget it, or make it go away.
What might happen if you experimented with tuning into your body when that happens? Take a little inventory:
- Where do you feel that insecurity?
- Is it a tightness in your chest? An urge to hide your face?
- A clenching of your belly?
You can experiment with shifting your attention away from your thoughts and onto your body—and then relax into the feeling.
Doing this sends messages to your brain and your nervous system that you’re safe, that everything is okay. And practicing this experiment repeatedly builds new pathways in your brain—so that eventually, you may find yourself feeling better, more relaxed, and more confident.
Notice when you feel good.
Your brain is wired to pay close attention when something doesn’t feel good—and to remember it. Our fears have helped us survive as a species for thousands of years—they ensure that we pay attention when something is a threat and that we remember it for next time so we can protect ourselves.
But the brain functions that served us when we were living exposed to the elements, amongst wild animals, can kind of get in the way of our happiness here in the 21st century!
If you let yourself default to focusing on your fears and insecurities, your survival instincts take over, and they just multiply. But if you put in a little extra effort to pay attention when you feel good—if you catch yourself feeling vital, sexy, and confident and make a mental note to pay attention to that feeling and remember it—it winds up sticking a whole lot more.
That little bit of effort spent paying attention to those good feelings winds up multiplying them.
Bit by bit, you can retrain yourself to spend more time feeling great about yourself and less time paying attention to your fears.
And I bet that'll build your confidence.
So this Christmas season give it a go!
I really hope it helps x
Talk soon, Tracey x
PS: Remember, no matter what, you ARE amazing! xx
1 comment
Hi Tracy,
Firstly to say how wonderful you have beaten Breat Cancer. Great to find a Pure, organic skI care range, without it being riduculously mega expensive, also the fact 10% donated to Breat Cancer, is wonderful.
I truly believe what we put in our bodies and use on our bodies effects us in a huge way. My friend beat ovarian cancer simply by changing her diet completely and going organic. Perhaps there is a lesson there for us all. I am excited about receiving your new products I just ordered, and will certainly let you know how they feel on my skin. Good luck Tracy with your business. Sure it will be a great success. Kindest regards.
Kathy Bourne