"Every lady should be opening this on Christmas Day ..."
The big day is just around the corner and there's still time to give yourself or a special person in your life a HAPPY HIGHBORN CHRISTMAS! With an extra special 20% OFF too ...
Our amazing Ambassadors have taken to the camera to help YOU with your last minute Christmas shopping ... You see, I asked them if there was one HIGHBORN YOU should have under your tree this year what would it be ...?
Louise knew straightaway and was first in ... "If all ladies are opening THIS on Christmas Day, 2021 will definitely be brighter" ... it's our top-seller, the must-have Pre-Eminent Beauty Serum ...
Deborah says "whether you've been naughty or nice, get the Organic Age-Defying Facial Oil on your list ..." A HIGHBORN sell-out, now back in stock AND with 20% OFF, there's never been a better time to grab one! (or two...)
Rhona returns with her LOVE for the GORGEOUS Organic Lip Glosses, along with Becky and Suzi, because "they're absolutely beautiful to wear" and "make my lips feel sooo juicy!". Perfect for making your lips sparkle this festive season!
Our Imperial Eye Gel gets Rachael's and Asma's vote for really making a difference to dark circles and fine lines. Also a best-seller, the perfect addition to your daily regime and a real treat too.
The special edition HIGHBORN Orange Lip Butter is sure to "get your lips ready" and kissable this winter ... a must-have from the lovely Ruth.
Elizabeth puts her smooth, clear complexion down to the Natural Luminosity Scrub for face and body ... "It smells DIVINE, it lasts for ages" and she's sure you'll LOVE IT!
For supple, softer skin texture, Ozzy says you must try the luxurious Imperial Moisturiser and Pre-Eminent Beauty Serum ... "You won't be disappointed!!"
You really are spoilt for choice! What will you choose?? If you're stocked up, make someone special SMILE this Christmas because they deserve to look and feel their best heading into 2021.
But ... be quick so we can get your picks to you in time for Christmas ... and don't forget to add the code XMAS20 at the checkout for a 20% OFF treat. Or simply head here and you're all set to go ...
Happy shopping and happy holidays!
Tracey xxxx