50+ Skincare Tips

50+ Skincare Tips


Recently, I've seen a lot of comments on Facebook asking how to take care of your skin in your 50s or 60s. 

So ... here are my top tips: 

Moisturiser. And a rich one at that. As we get older, our skin tends to get drier. It's absolutely necessary to moisturise in the morning (Imperial Moisturiser) and before you go to bed (Night Elixir).

Cleanse. But do this carefully. It's still important to keep your skin clean, but make sure you opt for less drying cleansers, and go for something nice and gentle such as Crystal Cleanser.

Exfoliate. As you get older, you have to exfoliate even more, because the layer of dead skin becomes even thicker. I recommend exfoliating at least once a week (Natural Luminosity Scrub is the perfect choice). 

Sunscreen. Skin is more easily damaged as we age - and certainly by the sun. So be sure to either use a good dedicated sunscreen because much latest advice is that even moisturisers with sunscreen often give a false sense of security. Why? Because their primary job is as a moisturiser rather than sun screen ... 

Of course, there are plenty of other treatments and tricks out there, but it all comes down to your personal needs. 

And we are all so beautifully different. So be sure to 'listen' to your skin and adapt as you see fit.

Have an amazing day, Tracey xx

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It is very special when you see results

Britt de Bastarrechea

I am so glad I have found you.

Britt de Bastarrechea

They work so well, as I have very sensitive skin

Britt de Bastarrechea

Your products are all wonderful

Britt de Bastarrechea

Hi, does your moisturiser have any sun protection?


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